Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Good bye How I Met Your Mother

Just finished How I Met Your Mother season finale.I have so many emotions and thoughts rambling through my mind.First, of all its been an amazing journey.3-4 years for me and 9 years for many of you guys.I was this bright,young guy just out of school ,having so many ambitions of conquering the world when i started watching the show.Back then, i thought life was this fairy tale and good things happen to everyone and everybody is good they just need to be given the atmosphere so that the goodness can come out. Oh yes,I was naive. And now the show has come to an end. What an escape it has served for me from the boring ,sometimes terrible life. To know that I can watch this show and i will laugh my guts out no matter how terrible my life is. It has been one hell of a ride and i have enjoyed every bit of it.
This was the first(and only) show I followed religiously and probably the last one. And yeah i have laughed,i have cried,i have felt sad and i have felt rejuvenated .I cried when barney broke up with Nora and asked robin to do the same with Kevin but she didnt. I cried when ted was left at the altar. I laughed when barney used to pull tricks out of his playbook.I laughed hysterically at times. It has been a surreal experience to say the least.
The best part is the show was so relate-able.Haven't every one met a hopeless romantic in their life(ted), or a delusional and funny guy like barney, or a career oriented go-getter like robin or a lovely couple like Marshall and Lily. Yes, everyone has met each and every kind of person mentioned in the list above. And if you haven't then you need to live a lot more. It has taught a lot about life to me. People come , people go. They do everything to make you happy.And then dont even remember you on your birthday.They say you are the most important person in their life and throw you away as you were nothing.Some people stay for few days and some stay for more. No matter how much we try and hold on to those people they will soon be gone .And its not necessarily a bad thing.  You were with them for brief yet unforgettable time and no matter what happens , no matter how the things ended no one no one can take it away from you.Never ever in your life forget that on one day , you will step out of your front door and your life will change forever. Away from all the disappointments your life will soon change and it will be all happy and sad and funny and gloomy .But , above all it will be a life worth living with 100's of stories to tell. Whats the point of having lived a life if you cannot tell all that you did in your life to your children or your grand children.So live like you want, go big ,trust people,laugh hysterically,do stupid things ,cry , get hurt , work hard,party harder, do everything you want to,trust people,love them ,many will not be worth your love(i have found many in my journey) but who knows one fine day someone worth it will come and make a dull boring thing that you call life worth living.And lastly no matter what life throws at you remember if you were honest with people and others were not ,you did everything you could to keep them in your life, and still were not able to,let them go dont let it break you.To have that emotional endurance needed to get yourself out of that loneliness and heartache will be tough but in the end it'll be worth it. It'll be fine in the end. It'll be great but till then keeping living keep learning and keep laughing at your troubles because one fucking day they will be over and you will be happy. Make friends make tonnes of them because they will all be a part of those stories you will be telling 50 years from now.And if you havent done anything mentioned above till now.Go out right  now, no matter how sad your life is.Look at the stars,the moon, feel the chill of the wind and you will know life may be sad right now but its beautiful and it will remain so forever.And above anything love everyone around you because "love is the best thing we do" . 

Its been one hell of a journey and HIMYM you will be missed.

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